
Reception enjoy a day at the farm!

Date Published:
Friday 11 May 2018
  • Reception enjoy a day on the farm!
  • Reception enjoy a day on the farm!
  • Reception enjoy a day on the farm!
  • Reception enjoy a day on the farm!
  • Reception enjoy a day on the farm!
  • Reception enjoy a day on the farm!
  • Reception enjoy a day on the farm!
  • Reception enjoy a day on the farm!

Our Reception class had a fantastic visit to Hall Hill Farm this week where they met Percy the peacock, Buzz the Shetland pony and even Pepper the pig!

The children enjoyed holding baby chicks, rabbits and guinea pigs and were super excited to go on a tractor ride around the farm. It wasn't all fun and games though, there were jobs to do too including feeding the sheep and llamas and milking the cows.

What a busy day!