
Lords Live!

Date Published:
Friday 31 January 2020
  • Lords live
  • Lords live
  • Lords live
  • Lords live
  • Lords live
  • Lords live
  • Lords live
  • Lords live

Yesterday morning, a group of our Year 5 and 6 pupils had the privilege of taking part in a video call with Lord McFall - the deputy speaker in the House of Lords. 

The children had the opportunity to ask Lord McFall questions relating to their own interests and they truly used the occasion to ensure that their voices were heard in parliament. 

Questions such as "Do you think schools with old buildings should get extra funding?" and "What advice would you give to a young person with an interest in politics?" were put to Lord McFall. 

The discussion was also centred around climate change - an issue our children have been learning about in topic lessons. The group were interested to find out that David Attenborough was in the House of Lords last week to give his expert opinion on the matter.

Another discussion point was the importance of high aspirations and ambition, as Lord McFall described his life and career to the children.

To conclude the session, Lord McFall challenged everyone to ask themselves each day, "What have I done for others today?"

Lucy said: "It was inspirational because it showed us how having high aspirations can lead us to powerful and amazing places."

Lily said: "I was pleased that I got to ask a question to a Lord. It proves that we can have our voices heard far and wide."

Kenzie added: "I think having a talk with an actual Lord was inspirational. He didn't plan on being a Lord and it shows us that we do not know what the future has in store for us. Now Lord McFall gets to influence how our country is run."