
Pupils celebrate Parliament Week!

Date Published:
Friday 06 November 2020
Parliament Week 2020

This week everyone at Sacriston Academy celebrated Parliament Week. Our children sent letters to our local MP and received replies, debated big questions such as ‘Is it a good idea to bring democracy into schools?’ and learned about different job roles within parliament.

Our Year 1 children kicked off the week by colouring in pictures associated with parliament before learning about topics such as voting rights for women, devolution and the Magna Carta. Meanwhile, Year 2 looked at the importance of standing up and speaking about making change. The class discussed issues in the local area and globally, before discussing what changes they would like to make. The children made bunting to hang in the Year 2 classroom displaying actions that they can undertake to create positive change.

Over in Year 3, the children looked at the Magna Carta’s role in parliament’s journey. The group talked about the role of our MP and how people's voices can be heard through him. Following on from this, the class debated the question ‘What has more of an impact on our learning post lockdown; the opportunities our schools and councils provide for us, or the attitude we take when engaging in home learning?’ Both teams put forward brilliant points, including Robert, who said even though he likes to choose what he learns, it is good to be pointed in the right direction. Alfie said that being in a classroom and around people makes him want to learn. Opposing views came from Coleton, who said that everyone is responsible for their own learning and Phillipos who said he enjoyed being in charge of his own learning at home. By the end of the debate ‘Team School’ won the debate with 10 members - they even convinced some of the children to consider a future career in teaching!

Year 4 also delved into debate about what is more important, healthcare or education? The group concluded that without education there would not be healthcare as doctors need the knowledge to be able to treat patients. Year 5 looked at a range of topics, debated, looked at job roles in parliament and topped off their week with a quiz to put their knowledge to the test! 

Our oldest children in Year 6 studied the Suffragette movement and discovered how this changed democracy across the UK today. The group also looked at the history of Bonfire Night by looking at Guy Fawkes. Year 6 have also been keeping a close eye on the US election results which has led to many discussions about how voting works in other countries.

All of our children have had a great week and we look forward to next year’s Parliament Week!