
Nursery's super snail week!

Date Published:
Thursday 25 March 2021
Snail week

Our youngest children in Nursery have had a brilliant snail-themed week!

The class read their story of the week, Matisse’s Magical Trail, which is all about a snail who likes to draw! From this, the class enjoyed looking at the artwork of the famous artist, Matisse and used his piece of work called The Snail to recreate their own versions. 

The theme continued in the classroom as the pupils looked after some pet snails and enjoyed watching how they behave. Throughout the week, Nursery even built up their confidence to hold our new friends!

To build on their knowledge, the class read a non-fiction book on snails and watched a clip from Sir David Attenborough’s Life in Colour which explained why Cuban snails have so many different colours and patterns. The children were fascinated to learn their appearance is down to their diet!

The children have been thrilled to learn all about the creatures and have even continued their work by colouring their own snails and naming them Matisse! 

Amelia said: “They are different colours because of what they eat”. Zander added: “Some snails are different colours, so the birds don’t eat them.”